Saturday, April 2, 2011

"The State of the Church"

Where is the church headed in this season, who now is concerned about the lost sheep within and outside of the church walls. Ministries have now become so consumed with trying to get ahead that we are forgetting about our purpose and that is compelling men, women, boys, girls, believer, unbeliever, saint, and the unchurched alike to find themselves in a position of being sold out and committed to God. But what is hindering this move, what is keeping the body of Christ from moving from a place of building (buildings) to building and rebuilding lives for Christ's return.

Ministry has now taken on a new identity more dancing then deliverance (now don't get me wrong I am a praiser and can go in with or without music because all I have to do is think) but my concern is that our praises are not bring about deliverance, our praise should be not be predicated on whose church you're at or who can see me out praise them. Praise & Worship is not about competition but it is about invoking the presence of God so that healing, deliverance, wholeness, and salvation can take place. I don't want to just come to church just to receive a feeling but I want to come to church expecting God to move and to break the strongholds that's plaguing the Body. We've lost our sense of urgency of bringing those into the acknowledgement of Christ, we've lost our desire to see individuals lives changed due to the Word that was spoken by God through one of His servants. There is no longer an urgency to pursue after the will of God.....what's going on with the mind of the Church.

Church for some is just a routine or habit that is done out of tradition with no sense or desire to want to be change. It is to some just a place to see and hear but refuse to believe the message of hope. They have been so consumed and overwhelmed by their own personal struggles and strongholds that when they come to the house of the Lord they are numb, looking for someone to call them out of that place; but yet we as the "strong ones" sit within the service with our eyes close to the tactics of the enemy but with our mouths open destroying the very essence of the lost soul. Who is the lost soul not just the whore-monger, the one addicted to drugs or alcohol, not the adulterer, or the murder or robber but the lost soul is also the one who comes to church every time the door is open but still is dead on the inside, harboring un-forgiveness, stubbornness, jealousy, strife, bitterness etc.. in their hearts, the lost is the church folk who preach, speak in tongues, know the word front to back but go home and struggle with personal demons because they are afraid; that on the exterior I have to show face for the people but my interior is crying out "somebody" save me. So the world is waiting on the church to redefine who they are and accept whose they are. How do we redefine who we are by understanding that this life is not about us but it is about someone else, it is about being the vehicle or tool that Jesus' uses to stimulate the minds of people to come to accepting Him as Lord and Savior, understanding that being His child and in His family requires obedience, faith, repentance, salvation and so much more. The church has become so focused on themselves and the needs of the "main players in ministry" the top tithe givers, the million-dollar pledgers but what about the single mother/father who's on government assistance but are faithful in tithing and offering, what about the ones that not in any clicks but just want to live for God. We have forgotten about the faithful ones. Why reward a millionaire with a special seat because of what they give that is their reasonable service "to whom much is given much is required" but my question is are you less concerned about their soul because they have the financial means to help carry the ministry.

That is one of the problems in the church we are so focused on who can be an asset in the physical that we forget about the ones who are tearing down the devil's kingdom in the spiritual.  Those are the ones who have a great concern for the "state of the Church." We've lost the will to "Evangelize and Witness" we no longer care about sin we just want to make sure we sinless, is God really pleased by what we are demonstrating to the world about His kingdom. It is time for the church to stop hiding under grace and explain the "effectiveness of grace" over their lives, its time to "speak about the Cross" and how you have to learn how to carry your own but then know when to let it go.

I am so tired of the arguing and the bickering back and forth about what denomination is the best if we are following "Christianity",  that's exactly what the devil wants and we are to foolish not to see that. Paul said to the church of Corinth, I hear that there are divisions amongst you and it shouldn't be so. Churches can't pick and chose which sin we are going to openly call out because it doesn't affect your church but cover up the sin that does. News flash whatever sin that is plaguing one church is infecting the entire Body. My heart aches because we are losing our identity and its becomimg more difficult for the world to recognize us. How can we convert a non-Christian to follow Christ if we don't even know Him ourselves. The Body of Christ as a whole including me must be more consistent in our relationship with God. This is not a game its real.... and there are many people whether you believe it or not waiting on the "Church" to get it together.

God is now looking for the remnant the ones who have "heaven in view" but is not only making sure they get there but someone else make it to. He's looking for the ones whose willing to die to the "flesh" regardless of how painful it may be. He don't just want people who can preach the gospel but He want us to live the gospel through the leading and guiding of the Holy Ghost. My heart longs to please God and to manifest the purpose that He has for my life. Not perfect have come short of the "Glory" of God more than one time and I'm not alone in that area, but I praise God for an "advocate" whose prays and intercedes not just for me but for the world as a whole.

The church is currently fighting the wrong fight. What is the wrong fight, using the scriptures the wrong way to get back at someone, being self-righteous, fighting amongst ourselves, fighting within ourseves, fighting against the will and the stragetic purpose and plan of God, fighting with bad attitudes and nasty dispositions, we are using our mouths as a murdering tool instead of a device to tear down the kingdom of the devil, we're allowing our minds to become a battelground for the spirit of the enemy to reside instead of having the "mind of Christ'.

Change your target..................its not me neither is it you, but it is the spirit that we allow to grab hold of us to push us out of the "will of God", when we refuse to "submit" and "yield" not just our minds and our mouths but our members to God we are of non-effect for the Kingdom of God; the word says to be an "instrument unto righteousness met for the Masters use". How can the church be used by God when He has been abused by us.......

It is my earnest prayer that the mind set of the Church (the Body of Christ) change. Romans 12:2 declares: Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God........................

Join me in praying and fasting on Saturdays for the state of the church, lost souls, and the will of God. Location where every you are time 6:00am-12noon

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